Monday, January 30, 2012



Medical, alternative, acupuncturists – all have things to say about the Aculife.

From a British GP
"As long as you accept the idea and principles of acupuncture (and not everyone does) this certainly has merit". Stated after a brief introduction to the Aculife.
Dr Ian Wiles BM BCh MRCP MRCGP MFHom DipMedAc 2004

From Master Martin Lee, Advanced Reiki Energy Master. 2004
" Wow is what I can say. Well at first it felt some what a little strange but after a few days I was hooked, it's like a multi intensive Acupressure machine in your palms you feel great sense of calm after use, plus the health benefits are great. I thank you Steve and thoroughly recommend your product and site - it complements the energy work we do

From the Inventor Mr. Chiang Chih-Cheng, member of the Taiwan Provincial Acupuncture Association:

"Why is the ACULIFE MAGNETIC WAVE DEVICE safer and more effective than other devices on the market? The reason is there is no other product like it. The ACULIFE MAGNETIC WAVE DEVICE treats people by acting simultaneously on acupoints on the hands and ears. When the wave stimulates a certain organ's acupoint on the hand the device can act on the same organ's acupoint on the ear.

This creates a reinforcing action that is far more effective than working on a single acupoint

When a person feels discomfort in a certain organ disrupted bioelectrical signals will travel along pathways in the body that are reflected in the acupoints in the hands and ears.

By restoring the normal flow of blood and chi the feeling of pain will gradually disappear which also indicates that body is functioning normally.

Biowave treatment promotes blood circulation, increases metabolism, improves immune function and develop a strong healthy body."

The ACULIFE MAGNETIC WAVE DEVICE was developed to make up for the limitations of Chinese and Western medicine. Common modern ailments such as sensitive stomachs can lead to a number of illnesses ranging from toothaches, upset stomach, muscle aches and even serious illnesses such as diabetes, liver disease and strokes.

Most people wait for serious symptoms to appear before seeking medical assistance. Usually by that time it is already too late.

Early detection and treatment is the most effective way to treat any type of disease. Using the ACULIFE MAGNETIC WAVE DEVICE you can bring immediate and noticeable improvement to your health.

Testimonial from Chinese Medicine by Dr. Lin Yin-Min. Director of Taiwan Provincial Acupuncture Medicine Association.

"Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine that is performed by skilled practitioners. When working on acupoints in the hand acupuncturists commonly use thicker needles that can bring a more painful sensation. When you can feel the sensation it means the treatment is more effective.

The newly invented biowave treatment does not require manual insertion of needles or even a skilled acupuncturist. You can treat yourself unassisted at home.

...Using biowaves you can locate the acupoint positions that work the best for treating your health condition regardless of whether you have a chronic or acute illness."

The acupoints in the hand connect to all the major organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart.

The hand also has a particular acupoint that regulates male sexual function. So repeated biowave treatment at this point can improve sexual function. This is why the device is sometimes called Electronic Viagra.

Recommended by CTV News
(Reporting from CTV News, Taiwan)

"There is an electronic device that has been nicknamed the electronic viagra. What makes this device so special? Wang Hsiang Mao and Guo Chong Yu reporting....
"This small electronic device is a new invention that is said to improve the sexual function of men. The inventor originally wanted to use the principle of biowaves to find blocked energy pathways in the body and improve health by opening these pathways.
He never dreamed that the device would be used to treat impotence in men.
Since no injection or drugs are required with this device, word spread quickly about this ‘secret weapon', prompting many men to start using it
User: "The places that don't feel good will hurt a lot but most of the time you don't know it."

Chiang Chih Cheng spent 16 years developing this small device. His greatest dream is to introduce this device to people around the world, so everyone can know the benefits of Chinese acupuncture."

Testimonial from Western medicine by Dr. Chon Wei-Jen. Attending Physician Hong-En hospital.
"The ACULIFE MAGNETIC WAVE DEVICE can treat diseases that are considered untreatable by Western medicine. Western medicine is good at alleviating the symptoms but Chinese medicine actually cures the root causes of disease. No drugs or injections are needed - you only need biowave treatment to improve your condition.

After you diagnose your disease with the ACULIFE MAGNETIC WAVE DEVICE and start a period of treatment you will return to health without drugs or injections. You can even perform treatment on yourself to improve your body's constitution and immune function and become a strong and healthy person."

Diabetes, sleep deprivation, enlarged prostate, sexual dysfunction and high blood pressure are all major threats to health. This device could make a crucial difference to your future health.

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